15-17 nov. 2018 Paris (France)

À propos de GAC 2018

GAC 2018 aura lieu du
15 au 17 novembre 2018
à l’amphi Buffon, Université Paris-Diderot
4 rue Marie-Andrée Lagroua Weill-Halle, F-75013 Paris
métro/RER "Bibliothèque François Mitterrand"

Grammar and Corpora

In recent years, the availability of large annotated and searchable corpora, together with a new interest in the empirical foundation and validation of linguistic theory and description has sparked a surge of novel and interesting work using corpus methods to study the grammar of natural languages. However, a look at relevant current research on the grammar of German, English, or the Romance and Slavic languages reveals a variety of different theoretical approaches and empirical foci which can be traced back to different philological and linguistic traditions. Still, this state of affairs should not be seen as an obstacle but arguably provides an ideal basis for a fruitful exchange of ideas between different research paradigms.

In addition to deepening our knowledge and understanding of individual languages, corpus-oriented work on grammar has wider implications that concern methodological as well as theoretical aspects. Relevant topics and research questions concern e.g. annotation schemata for (larger) syntactic units and syntactic relations, the increased use of (advanced) statistical methods and models in linguistics, the relation and boundary between grammar and discourse, and more generally the interface between corpus linguistics and linguistic theory.


Orateurs invités

  • Markus Bader (Francfort)
  • Claire Gardent (CNRS, Loria)
  • Joachim Nivre (Uppsala)
  • Tatiana Nikhitina (CNRS, Lacan)

Frais d’inscription

Tarif normal : 80 €
Tarif étudiant :
 60 €
Tarif organisateur (llf, lattice, clillac-arp, labex efl) : gratuit

Personnes connectées : 1